Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Paying it forward!

Ok, so I am "paying it forward" Some nice person in my lit class payed for my ticket for me to go see the local group of drama people put on the show "Dracula" with the rest of my class. So in honor of that since that person won't accept me paying them back, I am helping another person. This person is a good friend of mine, she is older than me but she is a really awesome lady. She is getting custody of her grandson due to some issues with the mom which is her daughter. Well I think its awesome she is taking him, but she and her husband don't make a whole lot of money to start with, and they never had any boys. So, I am rounding up people to help her out getting some boy stuff gathered up for the kiddo. I have heard him on the phone before and he sounds like a real sweet kid, and I would love to help my friend anyway I can. So, I called other friends who have kids and know people who have kids and we are slowly gathering up some toys for him. One of the Dean's at school is helping out my friend by donating an old bedroom suite her little boy thats cool. Oh, my friend works at the school so its nothing weird. I wanted to get him some clothes since his mom didn't have a lot of money to buy him clothes and he is currently sharing some clothes with his sister, but his size is yet to be known yet. So, I plan on going to goodwill once he arrives and we know what size we need and buying him a few suits of clothes. Plus, this is what really has me excited, as long as I have been living on my own I have never had a trick or treater, but this year I will!! So, since the little boy, well he isn't too little he is 7, will be coming to trick or treat me and he will be the only one I am going to make him up something special! I am really excited! I love making other people happy, it makes me happy! So, I just wanted to encourage all of you if you can pay it forward and hope the person you help pays it forward and. This way lots of people get help and we all feel good!

So excited, what should I get for a 7 year old boy in his awesome trick or treat suprise?

Amanda Ellen


  1. O wow, that is wonderful! I do this all the time because it is told for us Muslims to do so.
    However, glad you figured out another way to help your friend. That is cute she is getting her grandson and probably a better life for him. I know how that custody stuff happens. It is a long process, however if she is persistent she will get what she wishes. :)

    Hmm, for a 7 year boy? I would think toy cars, something with batman or superman, maybe try and ask him or your friend what is his favorite things.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!

  2. Your friend is there in Texas? Man, my friend's son is 6. I thought maybe she'd have some stuff. Hmmm. I can talk to her and find out and maybe we can ship it. I know her son likes dinosaurs, but he's a year younger. He's also a big science geek lol.

  3. Aw, RO! That would be awesome! I think you can get those flat rate shipping boxes from the Post Office..and I could pay for shipping...He is "an immature"7 from what I've been told. Anything would be appreciated..From what I understand there isn't one specific thing he is into since he hasn't had a whole lot of choice in toys.

  4. Find out what size he is, though I think my friend has another family she gives clothes to. Not sure she'll have anything, but if she does I can do Free Matter. I'll let you know what I find out. :)

  5. Ok, I won't know his size till Monday thats when he gets here. All I know now about his size is she says he is a bit chunky...she didn't know an exact size. You are so friggin awesome!

  6. Ok my friend's son is pretty skinny, so probably no clothes, but I'll see what she might have as far as toys and such. Like I said, she's got a friend with two boys younger than hers, so they get most the hand me downs, but you just never know. Hmmm, wonder if he needs a know me and my blankets hahaha!

  7. I am sure he could always use a blanket...nothing else my friend would be very touched and probably amazed that a blind person made her grandson a blanket :) Toys are good..My friend who lives here in town with me and I are thinking of going to good will once we have sizes and buying him some clothes. This goodwill here rocks..they always have good clothes and not expensive at all

  8. I'm gonna have a bunch of spare yarn, so I could do a scrump crazy blanket, but some of the colors are kinda girly. Hmmm. I'll have to see what I have. I've gotta get the puppy pool blankets done, but then I'll know more of what I have. I think what I have would actually combine quite nicely for a crazy colorful patchwork blanket for him, it's just gonna be awhile.

  9. Oh, its biggie..I have contemplated sending you some money to make me a blanket :) It would be cool to have a RO original :)

  10. Awww I'd so make you one. Normally I say don't worry about money, but it's gonna be until next year that I get my Medicare copay covered, so I'm pretty tight at the moment. You could also just buy what yarn you'd like and send it, if you ever do want one. I'll probably start crocheting more when it cools off.

  11. Hmm, I know nothing about yarn so you would have to guide me in that...I don't mind paying for the blanket..its your time and effort lol. Which reminds me I need to get with Darrell to see how much he wants to make my leash lol. I love having creative friends..I have no creativity in my body soo I'll just pay my creative friends to make stuff for me lol


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